Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everything, everything, everything.

don't you hate it when you don't know what to write about? i mean, today was just the most whacked out day in existance. i got bible-bashed by an ex-best friend about not calling his girlfriend a "malnourished prairie dog". and my current best friend paddy having gay relations with rifle-shooting, car-driving, bear-bumming, moose-humping, tree-felling 15-year old matt. pree sure he wears flannos when no-one's watching. and pree sure i just won the padraic xavier honourable award for the most accurate description ever. one day i'm going to measure matt's voice on the richter scale.

i'm sort of losing my faith in igs womankind. they've all become such corrupt drunkards and it's scaring me. they constantly hook up with each other and mole rat, sewer dwelling creatures and in some cases dogs, and then proceed to tell me all about it and try and make me agree with the adorability of it. *shudders* why, oh why must we fall into this crazy sense of drugdom?! eek.
i don't know about you guys, but i'm in some serious need of fast-forwarded skype calls. D: