god, why does my life have to suck so much? it's always so difficult when your mother lets you sleep in till twelve (no sarcasm here. when i sleep in too late, i'm always up half the night, and because i have a serious lack of friends, there's never anything to do) and then expects you to be dragged all over haberfield to do her chores with her in sweltering heat when i could've been suffering in silence in the cool comfort of my own air-conditioned home.
i feel like more and more people are drifting from me, and that i'm having a lesser fun time than usual. might be due to my grounding and whatnot, but in the past two terms, my friend levels have reached an all-time low, and have dropped by about 80% than the amount of people i befriended/was friends with in term two of igs. it's kind of ridiculous, and i wish it would stop sucking so much.
due to all this friendship hubbub, or lack thereof, i've become extremely clingy to people like paddy and liam. and that's very poor for them, because then they're stuck with me, like, all the time. i'm constantly following liam around like a lost puppy, and with paddy, it's even worse! god, he's so freaking lucky he has a weekend where he gets to be away from me. if anything, this groundation is serving him well. he isn't copping any flack, which is good, because he doesn't really deserve it. he's getting what he deserves. which is some time well spent with friends who aren't me. besides, we're basically into completely different things and it would be sort of poor if i were to tag along to their little gaming thing + pizza + zombie movies. on account of me hardly eating (only when i do, it's heaps. yeah, what the hell, i don't know either), and me not even gaming properly anymore.
i know this is sort of a pointless ramble but god, i've gotta create something for myself to do, eating icypoles and watching the joker be a maniacal sex god has it's highlights, faw shaw, but then i just start to feel comatose, and i'm used to my brain being in constant overdrive. anyway, satan (aka my mother) is calling me to nibblies, so yeah. talk to you losers (not really though, because i'm the loser without the friends) later.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
9:45pm Padraic
but promise he only gets your metaphorical babies, i have dibs on your real ones
9:45pm Morgan
you're all jealous.
but promise he only gets your metaphorical babies, i have dibs on your real ones
9:45pm Morgan
you're all jealous.
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's Weeam-Jean, betch.
ayyy bayyybayyy.
so anyways, this a blog about liam-dean, or more affectionately known to me as weeam. he's kind of amazing. infact, not just amazing, he's almost supernatural! (And yes, I DO love that show.)
so anyways, this a blog about liam-dean, or more affectionately known to me as weeam. he's kind of amazing. infact, not just amazing, he's almost supernatural! (And yes, I DO love that show.)
he absolutely owns at school. did i mention he gets in the 90's for practically every subject? intelligence. hawt. and he's always extremely hilarious, makes me have much lols. i toastily missed out on "Warm and Fuzzies" today, so i'm making my own huge warm and fuzzy for weeam.
i love the fact that he's more into paddy and i's relationship than we are. he constantly makes huge deals over tiny little things, even if it means passing my first aid course (which i didn't, but i'm sure he would've given me a huge hug or something...) or me just generally being rude to rhiannon and calling her a chime. (which he thought was damn hilarious, don't ask me why.)
he buys me pizza when i'm angsty, he gives me hugs when i need them, even though it's totally weird, he lets me smell him (and god! does he smell good! dolce and gabbana, hoe.) if and when i need to. he's pretty much a legend amongst men (and women.)
another thing i love about liam is his complete denial about everything that he is good for. which is plenty, despite what he may tell you. he's extremely adorable (and yes, i mean that in the attractive way...) and even though people tell him all the time he just won't hear it!
he got a distinction in english the other day, and apparently that wasn't "good enough", which was such a joke, because then i began to think about my marks, and i'm going "wow, i wonder what he thinks of me?" which, thank god, had i been someone else, i might've actually over-analyzed too much. fortunately, when i was born, got granted with the gift of apathy.
that aside, all in all, i think weeam is totally amazing, and he deserves all the love in the world, especially from the one person he truly cares about. *ahem ahem* "this is a WAKEUP CALL for a certain youngen out there who doesn't understand the true concept of a babe when they see one."

have my metaphorical babies.
Just for teh lulz.

1. he is a 1337 hax0r and is ultimate korean n00b ganker. ^^
2. he's a good drummer, and will pwn everybody in music one next year.
3. he is a constant source of much lols and make everything a lot easier to deal with, especially difficulties that only he understands.
4. he can dress himself well, and that doesn't happen often in men.
5. he dances like a boffin, which also makes me laugh.
6. he knows exactly how to cheer me up.
7. he loves almost everything that i do, and our childhoods are basically carbon copies, so we have much in common, and he basically just wins at life.
i'm so thankful that you decided to step into my life, because really, i don't know where i'd be without you right now. i'm not trying to lather on the cheesy sap, but i'm going to need plenty of maps for a lot of different reasons. (only he'll get that)
you just make everything so great, and i even show up to
school on time now because of you. i can also get through science lessons with the haggis eater of doom now. what with your constant wit keeping my brain alive and not turning it into scottish overdrive.
school on time now because of you. i can also get through science lessons with the haggis eater of doom now. what with your constant wit keeping my brain alive and not turning it into scottish overdrive.
No Food For Yoooooo (Crank Dat Solja Boi)
is it weird to not eat? and only drink fluid instead? because i've been doing this for about three days now, and i highly doubt it's an eating disorder, but i just don't like the sensation of eating. i've been secretly disposing of my dinner (force-feeding my cat/throwing it off my roof/spitting it into tissues ((there weren't many tissues in the box left after this))/moving it around my plate alot and squishing it all to one end so it LOOKED like i'd been eating it/feeding it to my father when mother wasn't looking etc...) i don't know what to think of myself. i'm sort of worried, but sort of not. i know i'll never get down to the 50's though, if i don't stop shovelling horse-loads of food into myself. so...yeah. :/ awkward decisions in life. it was a very facepalm moment.
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Too bad the process of cut'n'colouring took far longer than expected, and Paddy almost exploded, because he was so tired. But then he just kinda passed out on the couch (he looked very cute whilst sleeping, but like, I wasn't watching or anything...) And then eventually, after the sweaty toil of getting your haircut in a hairdresser's without air con, we went and got gelati. Too bad the woman actually let us onto the bus, which is insane, they never do that, and it leaked everywhere, and we had
to try so hard to not let anything get anywhere. But, because we're both 1337 hackers, operation K.G.D.B.C (Keep the God Damn Bus Clean) was a success.

Then we went back to our homes and got ready, and Mary and I headed back to Paddy's. His mother took many photos, with us doing solemn un-smiling faces, and then we headed off to formal, in her broken-down bomb car. It was fantastic. It was mega classy, and there were men opening doors for us and women getting us drinks and it was all rather intense. The night was mostly spent dancing around to songs like "Party in the USA" and "Hotel Room". The food tasted like aeroplane fodder, despite the supposed "elegance" of the place. Paddy and I got awarded "Cutest Couple" (Yeah, hooray. The noobs actually won something.) And then my parents picked us up and dropped everybody off. Pretty pleased with the night. Overall, was very fun.
Highlight? Watching Liam Dean Johnson get trapped in a grind sandwich between my boyfriend (noob-ganker extROARdinaire) and Louis Williams (the "Alpha male"). Now everybody is asking me if I knew he was gay. HAH.

Had the strangest day the other day. Some random portugese woman in Broadway ordered Marlena and I about to do her chores/errands, because she was really sick. And she was an odd old thing, repeated herself a lot, asked personal questions like "Have you had sex with your boyfriend?" and "Have your parents split up? Because it would be funny if they had split up and they still had sex." I assured her that Yes, I was still a Virgin, Thankyou Very Much, and No, my Parents Were Not Divorced and even If They Were Having Sex, it's Not Something I want to be Mentally Pursuing. But obviously in a less extravagant way, considering she was portugese and her accent was as thick as the layer of grease on their chicken.
She insisted I come over again to her house and help clean it, and I gave her my numbers and I was off. She has a strangely addictive personality and a very funny way of expressing herself. Her flat was very dull and had very little decoration, so I thought I'd probably bring something over next time, to brighten it up a bit. Next time I went over, I brought Paddy, so she could meet the "man behind the legend". Too bad the "legend", so to speak, was a brief 5 second topic in the middle of the Kitchenware section in K-mart. (We went for plates, and ended up buying blue mugs, heck I don't know...)
Anyway, Paddy and I spent at least 2 hours in her house cleaning the entire floor, and I mean, moving the couches and everything, to mop and to broom and all that. Thank goodness everything was linoleum, and none of this carpet BS. She said next time, we could clean her windows, and I think I will. Next time I go that is. The thing is, you'd think I'd be doing this for money, or for that feeling of good morality and stable ethics, yeah yeah, we all know the ideal child, helping the old woman cross the road. Too bad she tried to help us cross the road, and basically ran into oncoming traffic, considering I was potentially responsible for her, I was practically tugging her back and screaming "Are you clinically insane?!" at the top of my lungs. She just laughs every time I freak out, and says "Cahlm dowen luhve, luhve, it iz zalright. My frriend Gustav and I, we do zis all da time!" And I'm thinking Dude, she is some crack granny on PCP. I don't know how her daughter or son manages.
But unfortunately, my parents have forbidden me from seeing her. Just like they do with everyone else. *ahem* ==' But that's okay. Because I'm just going to go on Tuesdays, and visit her. See how she is. Possibly clean more things. I think I'll get a little gift each time too. Make her apartment nice. She's like a little interesting secret thing. That I get to have. It's the one part of my life where I don't have to worry about doing anything wrong, or other people knowing exactly where I am, or who I'm with. I sort of just go into this unfamiliar territory. And I like it. It's like I don't exist. Anyway, just a thought.
She insisted I come over again to her house and help clean it, and I gave her my numbers and I was off. She has a strangely addictive personality and a very funny way of expressing herself. Her flat was very dull and had very little decoration, so I thought I'd probably bring something over next time, to brighten it up a bit. Next time I went over, I brought Paddy, so she could meet the "man behind the legend". Too bad the "legend", so to speak, was a brief 5 second topic in the middle of the Kitchenware section in K-mart. (We went for plates, and ended up buying blue mugs, heck I don't know...)
Anyway, Paddy and I spent at least 2 hours in her house cleaning the entire floor, and I mean, moving the couches and everything, to mop and to broom and all that. Thank goodness everything was linoleum, and none of this carpet BS. She said next time, we could clean her windows, and I think I will. Next time I go that is. The thing is, you'd think I'd be doing this for money, or for that feeling of good morality and stable ethics, yeah yeah, we all know the ideal child, helping the old woman cross the road. Too bad she tried to help us cross the road, and basically ran into oncoming traffic, considering I was potentially responsible for her, I was practically tugging her back and screaming "Are you clinically insane?!" at the top of my lungs. She just laughs every time I freak out, and says "Cahlm dowen luhve, luhve, it iz zalright. My frriend Gustav and I, we do zis all da time!" And I'm thinking Dude, she is some crack granny on PCP. I don't know how her daughter or son manages.
But unfortunately, my parents have forbidden me from seeing her. Just like they do with everyone else. *ahem* ==' But that's okay. Because I'm just going to go on Tuesdays, and visit her. See how she is. Possibly clean more things. I think I'll get a little gift each time too. Make her apartment nice. She's like a little interesting secret thing. That I get to have. It's the one part of my life where I don't have to worry about doing anything wrong, or other people knowing exactly where I am, or who I'm with. I sort of just go into this unfamiliar territory. And I like it. It's like I don't exist. Anyway, just a thought.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What. The. Hell.
It's happened. What we all feared most. The paintball age has indeed been lowered to TWELVE.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I was thinking "AW HELL NO!" Because that's all turning 16 is good for! That, and being able to see your boyfriend more than once a week. =='
But I mean, now what will kids around the world do when they turn sixteen?
Usually it's all :
"Hey mum, I'm turning 16, what should I do?"
"Have a fairy princess party, dear."
"....Neh neh neh."
*goes to awesome friends who are awesome and suggest awesome things*
"Guys! I'm turning sixteen! What should I do?"
"Legal sex age! Weeeeeew."
"Ummmm, apart from that?"
"Duh. Paintball of course..."
It's just so ridiculous! It's like they've only JUST realised that they'd rake in MULTI-fucking-TUDES of young children! I mean, it's about freaking time. But now it just means it's a big deal to turn 12, but not a big deal to turn 16. :/
Yeah, that's what I thought. I was thinking "AW HELL NO!" Because that's all turning 16 is good for! That, and being able to see your boyfriend more than once a week. =='
But I mean, now what will kids around the world do when they turn sixteen?
Usually it's all :
"Hey mum, I'm turning 16, what should I do?"
"Have a fairy princess party, dear."
"....Neh neh neh."
*goes to awesome friends who are awesome and suggest awesome things*
"Guys! I'm turning sixteen! What should I do?"
"Legal sex age! Weeeeeew."
"Ummmm, apart from that?"
"Duh. Paintball of course..."
It's just so ridiculous! It's like they've only JUST realised that they'd rake in MULTI-fucking-TUDES of young children! I mean, it's about freaking time. But now it just means it's a big deal to turn 12, but not a big deal to turn 16. :/
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