Thursday, November 12, 2009

What. The. Hell.

It's happened. What we all feared most. The paintball age has indeed been lowered to TWELVE.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I was thinking "AW HELL NO!" Because that's all turning 16 is good for! That, and being able to see your boyfriend more than once a week. =='
But I mean, now what will kids around the world do when they turn sixteen?

Usually it's all :

"Hey mum, I'm turning 16, what should I do?"
"Have a fairy princess party, dear."
"....Neh neh neh."

*goes to awesome friends who are awesome and suggest awesome things*

"Guys! I'm turning sixteen! What should I do?"
"Legal sex age! Weeeeeew."
"Ummmm, apart from that?"
"Duh. Paintball of course..."

It's just so ridiculous! It's like they've only JUST realised that they'd rake in MULTI-fucking-TUDES of young children! I mean, it's about freaking time. But now it just means it's a big deal to turn 12, but not a big deal to turn 16. :/


  1. god! and they've raised the ages of school-leavage (like cleavage but not as good) to 17.
    so all that's good about turning 16 is legal sex.
    but it sounds way less fun that illegal sex, so what's the point?
    not even...
    but on the plus side, can totally go play paintball legally, and i didn't even have to try...
