Too bad the process of cut'n'colouring took far longer than expected, and Paddy almost exploded, because he was so tired. But then he just kinda passed out on the couch (he looked very cute whilst sleeping, but like, I wasn't watching or anything...) And then eventually, after the sweaty toil of getting your haircut in a hairdresser's without air con, we went and got gelati. Too bad the woman actually let us onto the bus, which is insane, they never do that, and it leaked everywhere, and we had
to try so hard to not let anything get anywhere. But, because we're both 1337 hackers, operation K.G.D.B.C (Keep the God Damn Bus Clean) was a success.

Then we went back to our homes and got ready, and Mary and I headed back to Paddy's. His mother took many photos, with us doing solemn un-smiling faces, and then we headed off to formal, in her broken-down bomb car. It was fantastic. It was mega classy, and there were men opening doors for us and women getting us drinks and it was all rather intense. The night was mostly spent dancing around to songs like "Party in the USA" and "Hotel Room". The food tasted like aeroplane fodder, despite the supposed "elegance" of the place. Paddy and I got awarded "Cutest Couple" (Yeah, hooray. The noobs actually won something.) And then my parents picked us up and dropped everybody off. Pretty pleased with the night. Overall, was very fun.
Highlight? Watching Liam Dean Johnson get trapped in a grind sandwich between my boyfriend (noob-ganker extROARdinaire) and Louis Williams (the "Alpha male"). Now everybody is asking me if I knew he was gay. HAH.

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