Thursday, July 23, 2009

And Someone Always Gets Left Behind

it's amazing how something can go from being the most peace thing on earth to a massive crap on my face in a matter of three minutes. turns out spending a whole week with all your closest friends in a deserted valley in newcastle isn't the best idea for a vacation, and usually ends with you crying to older brothers in a dark, damp phonebooth about a 2K trek from the camp.

oh, and those little asian children that interfere with quality talking time in parks? they should be shot dead. yes harry, i'm talking about you. next time, please make the effort to recognise matt and i's attempts to be rid of you. the middle finger doesn't mean "hello yes you can come sit with us and be loved because even though you look like a sufferer of severe allergic reactions to egg, we love you anyway."

yes harry, you do annoy me greatly. so please leave the next time someone screams at you to leave the premises of which they are in.

harry. leave.
i mean it.
no? you're going to stay?
oh i see. with me and matt.
now it all makes sense.
yes, indeed there is nothing like getting shunned from your social group, eating five servings of carbs for every meal, getting chased by a crazy fucker of a rooster around your cabin and getting dumped by your semi-boyfriend in a rainy carpark.


  1. And havent you seen black hawk down?
    "noone gets left behind" no? maybe not...
    anyway, just remember to smile! :D

    and i lol, at that little asian kid, he looks like a grade A annoying little fucker

  2. yesh, i've seen black hawk down. and of course, there's been repetitive jokes about it pulled in toy story. :D

    with egg allergies..
