Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Padraic Xavier Gidney and Co

padraic, or more commonly known as pad, paddy or padz0rz, exists as an unlimited resource of entertainment, fun and happiness. not only does he have a potato bucket in his home, and has an extremely high alcohol tolerance, but also dresses stylishly in drag. he's always up for popcorn and middle-of-the-day hardcore potter porn. this child knows how to dance, sing and clap retardedly, and he also pwns annie feng at science. this is a commendable quality, as annie feng exists only in the world of homework and study. a feng is a rare species of teenager, and the only ones likely to find one, are the people who know where to look. this is paddy. this my friends, is the pinnacle of light at igs.

verena laurelai osman king. world's smartest blonde. makes everything said by any kind of person take on a deliciously dirty perspective, which always ends in tearshed (only of the good kind, of course) and never fails to lighten the atmosphere. this little girl seems innocent enough, but when portrayed in the correct light, and if you are like me, her accomplice, and have a vast knowledge of her plans for the future (includes evil plots of the destruction of certain people's lives), then things could get a bit hairy (if she were here, that would've automatically become an innuendo).

chelsea, chelsea, chelsea. where to start?
firstly, she is the only bogan i know that i actually love to pieces. the rest of them are horrible and disgusting. i saw a fat eight year old boy in whyalla with an ac/dc shirt, a rats tail and an ear piercing and i almost suffered from cardiac arrest.
she admits that she's a bogan, but she still loves the fact that she is. and i respect that.
she lives in flannos and boots, and we both talk about our chunky
black boots and how video did in fact kill the radio star.
she always tells me when something looks good and when something looks horrible. she's honest and she's good natured.
she can even laugh when a grassy marshmellow is stuck to her favourite pair of jeans and joel is pointing and laughing. coming to think of it, that was so damn funny. she looked like a sheep, with a dag hanging off her ass, if only she were woolly...*looks distant*

alex claire mcconnell, also known as just plain alex is, in short, the reason i live. she's a born comedian and does the most hilarious impersonation of slim dusty you will ever see. i've known her for most of my life and she just cracks me up. the times we've bitched about our imperfections are countless. but she's perfect in my eyes. i love her to absolut vodka. she rocks the casbah.

matthew john george davis. the most ridiculous name for the most ridiculously AMAZING boy. ohh, see that quick save? verena says it's a stupid name because it sounds like a recitation of all the names of the books in the bible. but apparently it's his grandfather's names from both sides of the family.
why is he upside down you ask? because he's cool enough to be upside down. why is he holding a knife you ask? because he's cool enough to hold a knife. oh, and that comes in handy for the occasional stabbing here and there.
he reads, which is amazing of course. considering boys of this age don't usually do anything requiring brain strength/intellect. his hands are always warm and he looks nice in grey skinnies. *iz awesome*

so basically these are just little dedications to the awesome people that make my life simply amazing and all that jazzzzz.

cheers big ears.


  1. ZOMG!

  2. umm, hence why it says "he" and the fact his name is "padraic" and it says he dresses "stylishly in drag".
