Friday, July 3, 2009

new found obsessions

a new found obession with acoustic music from my childhood has left my mood elevated and bright. the likes of the kinks, joni mitchell, belle and sebastian and k.d. lang have been constantly sending ambient streams of music from the loft being my room.

i've been using father's recording studio as means of creating my own music influenced by specific artists. it's a good thing i came across a passion that flowed deeply as music, because i was starting to need a productive way to expel my creative energy.

my friend verena believes i have the talent and could go professional if i so wished. i already had a discussion about this today, and i thought it was a ridiculous sentiment, because we all know how reckless and painfully abusive the music industry can be to one's soul. i've also taken up painting, writing and drawing. my careers educator thinks i should pursue a career that's more creatively inclined. i feel compelled to agree.

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