Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Art Fag Capital

i visited melbourne (art fag head quarters) last week, and let me tell you, did i have good times there. firstly, there's salvador dali. always an inspiration with his crazily accentuated hourglass figure women and his skull-raping pianos. a day in pompeii exhibition was completely genius. the casts of the preserved people was pretty darn cool, even if some women did run out to be sick.

we stopped over at canberra, and that was truly horrible. we stayed in a pioneer's cottage overnight and the temperature reached minus five. we had about every article of clothing glued to us while we slept under three duvets. my german exchange student however, was not so lucky and did not even recieve the anna spoon warmth that i did. she was in the living room with all but two paper thin blankets and a nightie. her lips were blue by morning.

the weather was beautiful, despite how grumpy we all were. we took some nice shots with my wonderful canon dslr (but he likes to go by the name mortimer). it kind of sucks when your friends are complete arsehats with photography, because then they always look nice in photos, and you always look like the munted quasimodo that pretends like they're part of the group, but in reality, you're just hobbling behind, looking casual (as hard as that is when one shoulder is bigger than the other) and stealing their breadloaves.

but trips always have their good sides. we were on the waterfront, with a wonderful apartment (lovely views of southbank and the naked woman who continuously forgets to close her blinds when changing) that was completely modern and HEATED. unlike the aforementioned pioneer's cottage, which apparently was the home that raised several children. with one bathroom, i can't imagine. but now i am back in sydney and loving the completely unlimited access to all forms of communication. and have my own wireless thankyou very much you stingey melbournians.


  1. They don't have free wirelessssss there? DDDD:
    I'm going there next week :D

    Lol, thank god I don't have to stay at Canberra though xD

    Poor exchange student :P
    How'd you find out her hips were blue hey hey? xD

  2. no they don't have free wireless.
    you'll have to find hotspot cafes, and they are really hard to find with out internet!
    *taran tarah so surprised*

    canberra is a hole. sucks that i had to stay there. but carolin obviously needed to see the country's capital, i mean, that's kind of what you do when you go to a country you've never been to before. haha.

    oh, and joelnes? it says lips. not hips. xD
